The Village of Portage is a zoned community. Our zoning regulations are administered by a Zoning Inspector and our Planning Commission. This Commission meets at 7pm at Village Hall on the third Thursday of each month except for federal holidays that fall on this date. Permits are required for the following:

Pool seasonal or other (only once) $15
Pond (consult Zoning Inspector) $50
Fence (maximum 4 feet high) $15
Driveway Improvements $15
Building (less than 192 square feet) $30
Variance (usually for a privacy fence $50

These are not all the items requiring a permit. Please contact the Zoning Inspector for more information for any items that you believe may require a permit. Questions or concerns can be brought before the Planning Commission also. Please note that it is the property owner’s responsibility to obtain permits for any construction or item requiring permission. A copy of our zoning ordinance is available at the Village Hall for review. Copies can be purchased.

*Failure to obtain a permit for whatever reason constitutes a violation of law and is punishable by fines or other actions.

Contact Information

Zoning Inspector:  Mike Llanas
Telephone:  419-654-0977

Council Meetings

Council meetings are held the first and third Monday of each month at the Village Hall.

Contact Information

Telephone: (419) 686-8102
Fax: (419) 686-5210
Postal Address: 110 W. Walnut St.
PO Box 252
Portage, OH 43451-0252